Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas In Comics Part 2

Fact: Batman has never had Santa show up to help him put psychopath criminals behind bars.

She-Hulk has.

And before anybody cries out that Batman is already the World's Greatest Detective, I'll point out that Santa can find out if anybody has been naughty or nice.

Today's Erik Overthinks Christmas Carols is Wham's Last Christmas.

The lyrics make no sense.  "Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away."

Wouldn't it make more sense for the person to throw it away rather than give it away?  That would mean the singer instantly fell in love with someone else who's now the proud owner of their heart.

But "this year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special.", the person you gave it to last year wasn't special?  You were just freely giving your heart out to random strangers?  I think you kinda got what you deserved, then.

But the question remains, if the heart was "given" away, how do you have it again to give out now?  Unless that heart "expired" or something, which doesn't give much hope for any you give out afterwards lasting forever.  Is it something you have to renew every year, like a Sports Illustrated subscription?

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